Michelle and Joe's Photo Date with Mariah

Road Trip! I drove out to Harwich MA to have a photo date with Michelle and Joe on Sunday afternoon. What amazing weather! I've never been to Harwich, so I jumped in the back of their car and they gave me an awesome little tour of Harwich and Chatam. It was so great to scout out the area where they'll be getting married in June and also get to know them a little on their own turf. Turns out, they have spent a lot of time hanging in Chatam, poking around the stores sampling the yummies and of course bumming around the beaches! We took some of these photos across the street from where Joe proposed to Michelle. I learned a lot about them- they were highschool sweethearts (AWWW!), they love Burritos (me too!), and they are going zip lining over the rainforest on their honeymoon. Michelle is freaked about by fish when snorkeling- but apparently doesn't mind dangling over a rainforest by a thin rope?! Very adventurous. M & J were great subjects- and did whatever I suggested. Thanks guys! On a scale of one to 10- this date was defenitley a 10!